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NOW USING: As used in hospitals, UV/OZONE light for a total germ free car

NOW USING: As used in hospitals, UV/OZONE light for a total germ free car


Our Services

  • Exterior Standard Polish/Wax // Premium Polish (SUVs and larger Vehicles may be subject to additional fee)
  • Interior (SUVs and larger Vehicles may be subject to additional fee)
  • Engine Degreased and Shine Protected
  • Odor Removal
  • Pet Hair Removal


Our Prices

* Pricing is subject to change. 3 Row SUV or Larger, Pet issues, odor issues or extensive stain issues, clay bar scratch removing surface are subject to an addition charge.

Interior Detail

(UV/Ozone germ killing light used for every car, protecting those that you love and want to protect!)

Clean and detail dash, door panels, all around interior, shampoo extract carpets and cloth seats, leather seats cleaned and conditioned, floor mats, clean interior and exterior windows, threshold cleaned, all rubber gaskets treated, all locks and hinges lubricated

Exterior Detail

(UV/Ozone germ killing light used for every car, protecting those that you love and want to protect!)

Orbital buffer wax/ polish application Wheels and rims cleaned and shined, all locks and hinges lubricated, widow cleaned –interior and exterior.

Offering pickup/take

home transportation!

Degrease Engine

(At vehicle owner’s risk)

Spot Stains

Remove any spill and treat and clean spot from interior.

(319) 651-3738